Monticello Mulch


*See Delivery Surcharges Information at bottom of page  ** Prices subject to change

Free delivery within 10 mile radius of our office restrictions apply

Please note that for Deliveries Monticello Mulch is not responsible for damages incurred to driveways, property, etc. once delivery trucks leaves the state-maintained road. The customer, hereby, agrees to pay for all wrecker fees,  and to accept responsibility for damages to property and or vehicle. 

Location Price Location Price
Antioch $35 Hollymead $50
Barboursville $100 Ivy $50
Boyd Tavern $30 Keene $70
Bremo Bluff $60 Kents Store $50
Buckingham $95 Keswick $35
Bybee $30 Key West $45
Charlottesville $45 Kidd’s Store $40
Colombia $65 Lake Monticello $15
Crozet $65 Louisa $60–70
Earlysville $50 Mountain Brook Subdivision $30
Ferncliff $80 North Garden $100
Forest Lakes $50 Palmyra $15-30
Fork Union $55 Polo Grounds Road $45
Glenmore $35 Scottsville 50.00 –
Gordonsville $65 Spring Creek 30
Hollymead $50 Stoney Point 55
Ivy $50 Troy 28
Keene $70 Zion Crossroads 25

Delivery Surcharges

** Prices subject to change No additional delivery surcharge 10air mile radius of our office restrictions apply ask for details

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