Monticello Mulch
Got a truck and want to pickup mulch, soil or rock at our Palmyra, VA garden center? Come on over! Directions
Prices subject to change**** All picked prices listed are cash sales and include a cash sale discount.
$38.00 per cyd.
$19.00 per 1/2 cyd.
cash price tax included
$40.00 per cyd.
$20.00 per 1/2 cyd.
cash price tax included
$42.00 per cyd.
$21.00 per 1/2 cyd.
cash price tax included
$12.00.00 per scoop
$50.00 per cyd
$25.00 per 1/2 cyd
cash price tax included
$32.00 per scoop 1/2 cyd = Approx lbs 1600
$6.00 per 5 gallon bucket with your bucket. Cash Price
cash price tax included
$50.00 per scoop
$10.00 per 5 gallon bucket with your bucket. Cash Price
White beach sand
Fine white sand for sand boxes or Beach Sand
$35.00 per 1/2 cyd
cash price tax included
(not responsible for any damage while loading gabion in your truck as rocks are large and have sharp edges.
$80.00 per scoop
$55.00 per scoop 1/2 cyd = Approx lbs 1600
$8.00 per 5 gallon bucket with your bucket.
$55.00 per scoop 1/2 cyd
All products are sold in 1/2 yard increments half sc​oop will be sold at same price as 1/2 cyd
Installation available ask for details.
Prices subject to change. Prices listed in customer pick up are based on CASH sales.
Monticello Mulch
3647 Lake Monticello Rd, Suite 221
Palmyra, VA 22963
United States